Photos courtesy of Hannah Benet & SPR

Recent News
August 2023
Porter Ranch residents and activists rally to shut down Aliso Canyon gas field
Photo by Hans Gutknecht, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG
More Coverage:
May 2022
After Senate Appropriations Committee Guts Aliso Canyon Closure Bill, Senator Stern Urges “No” Vote
December 2021
Senator Henry Stern announces legislation plan to close down the Aliso Canyon gas storage
facility by 2023.
September 2021
New non-profit organization, Environmental Health Research (EHR) announces effort to conduct a community-led, patient-centered health study for those negatively impacted by the Aliso Canyon gas blowout
Newsletter: Why hasn’t California closed Aliso Canyon? Critics say Newsom needs to step up
Los Angeles to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2035 following unanimous city council vote
August 2021
Aliso Canyon: Supervisors aim to stop SoCalGas from expanding storage at site of mammoth leak
‘Unwise and unsafe’: Stern urges state agency to prevent SoCalGas from expanding Aliso Canyon
May 2021
The Los Angeles City Council unanimously votes in favor of urging
Governor Gavin Newsom to shut down Aliso Canyon.
Members of the community and Food & Water Watch
hold a successful press conference before LA City Council Vote.
April 2021
Media coverage: Community Advisory Group, Residents, Activists express no
confidence in the Los Angeles Department of Public Health's goal and priorities draft of
the health study for the Aliso Canyon disaster.
January 2021
Judge rules that residents can seek damages from SoCal Gas following
the largest gas blowout in U.S. history.
The local Community Advisory Group (CAG) has held several informative town halls for the public to share the lack of transparency from the LA County Health Department in their handling of the Aliso Canyon Health Study.

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